Monday, March 24, 2008

What the experts say

For this post on what the experts say I'm going to show when the law gets involved. Many times, the paparazzi act in such a bad manner that they may need to get arrested, sued, etc.

One time a paparazzi purposely rammed into Lindsay Lohan's car so that they could get a picture of her. The police were called and investigated the situation before arresting the man because they believed that he broke the law.

In other instances, the police have recognized the harassment from the paparazzi, and given some celebs restraining orders against them. Certain things they do are just considered to be too extreme.

Reese Witherspoon and her kids were at a theme park one time, and once again the paparazzi were non-stop following them. One guy got charged with child endangerment for disrupting them so much.

In California, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger passed a bill that made it easier for celebs to collect major damages from agencies that employ aggressive paparazzi. Countless numbers of paparazzi have been convicted of trespassing. California legislators are planning to introduce a law that requires paparazzi to stay a certain distance away from celebrities. A new California law was passed that prohibits photographers from trespassing on private property, to take pictures of them while they are on private property, or persistently chasing or following celebs.

So although this paparazzi deal is a big issue, the police are trying to control it. They can't do everything but these small things are trying to slow the paparazzi down. When the law is broken, the police can step in.
The paparazzi themselves are getting really sick of all of this. After Lindsay Lohan's car accident Sandra Bullock said, "Maybe she's the one who can make a difference. Maybe because of that, they'll stop."
Liv Tyler complained, "When I'm going to an event, I'm fine with it. But every time you leave the house and you're trying to go for a walk as a family, your privacy is being invade. It's creepy."
The paparazzi are being harmful to the celebs. "He was charged October 7th with battery and child endangerment for allegedly disrupting a summer outing to a theme park by actress Reese Witherspoon and her children." -Richard Winton
Even the police are saying, "Looking back at how this had evolved over the last 12 years, we've gone from guys who sit outside the home of the mother-to-be of Michael Jackson's children to the paparazzi willing to force celebrities off the road for a photo and public safety be damned." -LA police detective Jeff Dunn.
Families also get involved and Gwyneth Paltrow says, "It's just unacceptable, especially when there's the life of a small baby in your hands."
Kate Hudson agrees, "I think it's so disrespectful. When it comes to your son, he didn't choose this."
Richard Winton writes, "Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill this month making it easier for celebrities to collect major damages from agencies that employ aggressive paparazzi."
William Hodgman also says, "Prosecutors in LA threatened to file felony conspiracy charges against photographers engaging in dangerous tactics, and started monitoring them more closely, complaints of egregious illegal conduct, like assault, trespassing and reckless driving by paparazzi."

1 comment:

Reina said...

greatt quotes! i have a bunch of the same ones. you have really good examples too. seems like you're going to have a lot of evidence for this portion of your research paper. It's also really good that you used so many different types of experts and not just celebrities. can't wait to read the paper!