Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Strongest Point

The strongest point that I am using in my argument is the issue of safety. Because of the aggressive tactics of the paparazzi, the safety of celebrities is very much in danger. These people will do anything to get the shot and don't care if it harms anyone. There have been numerous cases in which the celebrity's car has been hit, or they have crashed because they are being chased.

When the paparazzi are going crazy it is not only the lives of the celebrities that are in harm's way. Local pedestrians and anyone walking on the roads could get hurt by these people. They drive so fast and so carelessly, that they are bound to hurt people.

Also, the paparazzi often fight with one another. If they are near each other and both trying to get the shot, then they may become aggressive. This is dangerous to anyone who is exposed to behavior like that.


Jennifer said...

Hey Steph,
I completely agree with your strongest point. Safety is always first priority and when the safety of the celeberties are in jeopordy then there is a definite problem.
Also the safety of other people is also very important. If innocent people are becomming endangered because of the paparazzi then there is another definite problem, I really like this point.

Also, I'm sure you're aware, but just to inform you, there is a law against paparazzi in California( I know because Simmy told me). That also could be a good point for you.


Reina said...

Hey Steph,

So obviously I completely agree with this point. Safety of a human being should always come before anything else, especially a picture of a celebrity. The paparazzi take it way too far when the stalk celebrities and hunt down a celebrity's family. Not only does the paparazzi harm the celebrities, but you're right! They harm the general public too. I found a good quote by Lindsay Lohan from one of my sources talking about hurting the general public, let me know if you want to use it. Also, your point about paparazzi vs. paparazzi is really good. I found an article on that to but decided not to use it in my paper. I think the context that you are putting it in is very fitting and it relates to your main point. Good job =)